During the holidays, the things that most people around the united states revolve around are the gifts. You see it everwhere, on TV: there's a family opening gifts on Christmas morning, on the street: you see bilbords and bus ads that are telling you about all the good deals at Target or Walmart or whatever other place that you get your toys at, and on the radio: ads that are, once again, all about all the good toy deals that are available. Gift giving is a pervasive and quintesesntial part of the holidays in our culture, and there isn't much anyone can or will do about it.
Christmas trees are trees that we put up during the holiday season. They are an omen of the time, and they provide many with a good reference about the holidays. When people think about Christmas, a Christmas tree will be one of the first images that pops up into their mind. They also have a very close relationship with gif giving, due to the fact that before the moment that people actually open the gifts, the gifts are stored in the empty space under the main greenery of the tree. The Christmas tree originated in Renaissance in early modern Germany. It is personally one of my favorite parts of Christmas. Putting up a tree with your family is always fun for me, and I always look forward to the years where it is my turn to top the tree with the ultimate decoration, either an angel or a star.